Lesson 6: Video Comprehension (Film: Home Alone) – Part 2

Objectifs : 

  • Understand the plot and characters through listening.

Resources :

Video: Home Alone (1990) & English Subtitles


Watch part 2

Watch the second section of Home Alone (1990), until 1:13:20. While you’re watching, write down any new words.

Comprehension questions

In your groups, answer these comprehension questions

1. Where did the Murphy’s go on holiday?

  1. Chicago
  2. New York
  3. Florida
  4. San Francisco

2. What does Keving steal from the shop?

  1. A toothbrush
  2. A turkey
  3. $17,000
  4. A watch

3. What is the nickname of the two thieves?

  1. The Daring Duo
  2. The Wet Bandits
  3. The Stupid Squad
  4. The Quick Thieves

4. How much is the pizza this time?

  1. Free
  2. $11.50
  3. $19.50
  4. $11.80

5. How old is Kevin?

6. What city does Kevin live in?

  1. Chicago
  2. Milwaukee
  3. Scranton
  4. New York

7. What time are the thieves coming back?

  1. 20:00
  2. 20:30
  3. 21:00
  4. 21:30

8. What compliment does Kevin give the elf?

  1. Nice hat
  2. Nice costume
  3. Nice shoes
  4. Nice face

9. What does Kevin ask Father Christmas for?

  1. A watch
  2. A new family
  3. An iPhone
  4. His family to come back

10. Why is the old man at the church?

  1. To pray
  2. To hear his granddaughter sing
  3. To hide from the police
  4. To talk to Kevin

Group Work

In your groups, write a timeline of Kevin’s actions in the film.


What would you do if you were home alone like Kevin? Write a paragraph imagining your own ‘home alone’ experience.