Tag Sequence : DNL-SES

How can we explain political engagement in democratic societies?

This séquence aims to show that political engagement takes various forms: voting, activism, associative engagement, committed consumption… It also invites us to understand why, despite the paradox of collective action, individuals engage by highlighting different explanations (selective incentives, symbolic rewards, structure of political opportunities). The objective is also to understand that political commitment depends on …

How can we explain political engagement in democratic societies? Lire la suite »

What are the foundations of international trade and the internationalization of production?

This course has been divided into three axes. The first lessons aim to understand the existence and configuration of international trade. It is therefore a question of showing why specialized countries have an interest in specializing and exchanging different goods, then why countries with similar factor endowments will exchange similar products. Then, we will see …

What are the foundations of international trade and the internationalization of production? Lire la suite »

How does a competitive market work?

This sequence revolves around two ideas: firstly, that there is a historical and institutional reality, referred to as a « market »; secondly, it is possible to identify a certain number of logics (laws) common to certain competitive manifestations of this reality. 

How do economists, sociologists and political scientists reason and work?

This is an introductory sequence to present the process and the three main disciplines of S.E.S. Economic and social sciences analyse the major contemporary economic, social and political phenomena. They allow students to better understand the world in which they live and participate in their training as citizens. SES is mainly composed of three sciences: …

How do economists, sociologists and political scientists reason and work? Lire la suite »