
At the fish and chip shop

Listen to the dialogue. In what order can you hear the words?

Hello = Bonjour

Hi / Hiya / Hi there = Salut

Good morning = Bonjour (le matin)

Goodbye = Au revoir

Good morning!

Listen and repeat.

Now find the corresponding picture.

Good morning = Bonjour (le matin)

Good afternoon = Bonjour (l’après midi)

Good evening = Bonsoir

Goodnight = Bonne nuit

A poem

Listen to the teacher read the poem Good Morning

Is there any new vocabulary? Write at least ten new words with their translations.

Your turn to read! Memorise one section of the poem and read it to the class.


Complete the worksheet Greetings.

  1. Hello
  2. Good morning
  3. Hiya
  4. Hi
  5. Goodbye
  6. Hi, there
  1. Good morning
  2. Hello
  3. Hi
  4. Hi, there
  5. Hiya
  6. Goodbye

Complete the worksheet Good Morning Worksheet.

  1. Good morning
  2. Good afternoon
  3. Good evening
  4. Good night